



















Dialog Box

Corporate Support

By partnering with The Otis Foundation, you'll help families dealing with breast cancer to create memories together. The Otis Foundation is the only national charity that offers the gift of retreat accommodation to those dealing with breast cancer. Each year The Otis Foundation makes close to 3,500 nights available across its network of properties. Each $100 we receive covers the costs associated with providing one night at an Otis property. Why partner with us?

We value long-term, strategic partnerships based on trust and mutual benefit.

We collaborate with a number of Corporate Partners who have been instrumental in providing much-needed support to our services. Our relationships with our Corporate Partners are invaluable by enabling us to cover the essential services of running a national charity – meaning that 100% of our fundraising and donations go directly towards the running costs associated with the operation of our properties.

No matter how big or small, your business can make a difference. It is not just the woman (or man) directly experiencing breast cancer that benefits, it is the support we are able to provide to the whole family that really makes a difference. Often it’s the partners and children who get the most out of staying at an Otis property and taking some time away from the highly emotional challenges of dealing with breast cancer. 

A partnership with Otis will deliver brand recognition through events and connections to the Otis supporter network, made up of predominantly corporate and medical professionals. Now is the perfect time to work together. No matter the size of your business, partnering with The Otis Foundation makes a tangible difference to those experiencing breast cancer.

Looking for possible ways to work together? 

Adopt a Retreat

Become a Corporate Partner

Offer Workplace Giving 

Hosting a Fundraising Event 

Make a Donation

Make a Gift in kind

We will work with you to develop a tailored partnership that is mutually beneficial and meets the needs of your organisation.

How your partnership will help

The Otis Foundation relies heavily on corporate and community support to fund the costs associated with the operation of our retreat network. We are a non-profit organisation with an endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). A partnership with Otis will allow us to further expand our network and provide more nights to an even greater number of women and their families.

Find out more

To discuss a tailored Corporate Sponsorship Proposal or further information as to how you can help us continue to develop our network of retreats throughout Australia

Please contact:

Call: (03) 5444 1185


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and a donation receipt will be sent to you for your tax records.

Every $100 donated to The Otis Foundation helps to provide one night’s retreat accommodation at no cost to those living with the challenges of breast cancer.

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Donate Today

Each $100 donation enables us to gift one night of retreat accommodation at no cost to individuals and families dealing with the challenges of Breast Cancer.

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